As a software professional, I will conduct myself honestly and ethically wherever I operate in the world. I will adhere to the code of ethics herein and uphold the values of Openness, Courage, Respect, Focus, and Commitment.
I will not waver from any of the following professional standards under any pressure or incentive and:
I will understand and communicate the value of the work delivered.
I will define and uphold a clear and transparent standard of quality and I will not compromise on that standard.
I will not withhold any information that might harm my team, our stakeholders, our users or the public community.
I will not imply certainty where it does not exist.
I will selflessly share my knowledge with others.
I will continuously improve myself.
I will do the best I can.
I will challenge anyone that does not demonstrate the professional standards herein.
I will uphold this code of ethics for myself and others so we collectively improve the software profession.
By this code, I will abide and subscribe.
We will be collecting comments for several months. Let us know what you think by leaving comments. Once we seem to have a consensus, we'll open the code for signature on this site.